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Prostate News Archive


  • FARRAKHAN RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL: Nation of Islam leader home after surgery related to prostate cancer. (Eurweb)

    *The Nation of Islam announced Tuesday that former leader Louis Farrakhan is out of the hospital following a 12-hour surgical procedure earlier this month for problems related to prostate cancer.

  • Prostate therapy for men in Wales (icWales)

    Men with prostate cancer will receive brachytherapy in Wales for the first time, it emerged yesterday.

  • Prostate Cancer Patients See High Survival Rates With Seed Implants (Science Daily)

    More than 90 percent of men who receive appropriate radiation dose levels with permanent radiation seed implants to treat their prostate cancer are cured of their cancer eight years after diagnosis, according to a study released in the February 1 issue of the International Journal for Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, the official journal of ASTRO.

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