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Prostate News Archive


  • Loss of bladder control sometimes follows prostate surgery (Pioneer Press)

    Dear Dr. Donohue: I am 47. Six months ago, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. My doctor was quite surprised because of my age, and so was I. Four months ago, I had my prostate gland removed. The doctor said he got all the cancer, and I am happy about that. However, I am not happy that I have lost control of my bladder. What can be done for that?

  • Prostate Cancer Overtreated? (WebMD)

    Fewer than one in 10 men with early prostate cancer and eligible to choose close observation rather than active treatment opts for that strategy, researchers report.

  • Prostate Cancer Overtreated? (

    Title: prostate Cancer Overtreated? Category: Health News Created: 2/23/2007 Last Editorial Review: 2/23/2007

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