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Prostate News Archive


  • Hormone Therapy Not Shown to Benefit Older Patients with Early Prostate Cancer (American Cancer Society via Yahoo! News)

    A study of nearly 20,000 men aged 66 and older with early-stage prostate cancer found that those who were prescribed androgen deprivation hormone therapy instead of other treatments were no better off than their counterparts who adopted a "wait and see" approach. However, younger men who aren't good candidates for surgery or radiation should still consider the therapy, which reduces androgen ...

  • X-rays may up prostate cancer risk (New Kerala)

    Washington, July 16 : A new study conducted by experts at The University of Nottingham has cast light on a possible link between x-rays and prostate cancer risk.

  • Lee Ranson and Prostate Cancer (WEEK-TV Peoria)

    News 25 has been keeping you informed about the dangers of prostate cancer...and how it's treated. News 25's Lee Ranson has been undergoing radiation treatment for his cancer...and Tuesday night, Tom McIntyre brings us up to day on Lee's progress.

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