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Prostate News Archive


  • Health department offers free prostate exams (

    The Whiteside County Health Department is offering free prostate cancer screenings for men 40 and older who either have no health insurance or high insurance deductibles. The screenings include free PSA blood tests and prostate education.

  • Autism, prostate health and epilepsy get attention (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

    Autism: The Musical will be screened Sunday in Rochester. prostate health to be discussed in Newark, Wayne County. Free epilepsy conference offered in Batavia on May 1. Tips for a safe trip to the prom. Grants available to help pay for child health services or equipment.

  • Prostate screenings at the Health Department (Morristown Citizen Tribune)

    Drs. Jose Amador and Eugene Kavanaugh will hold free prostate cancer screenings Saturday, May 10 at the Hamblen County Health Department Building, 331 W. Main St. in Morristown.

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