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Prostate News Archive


  • Promising therapy for prostate cancer type

    NEW YORK, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- A genetic Achilles' heel in an aggressive type of prostate cancer may be treated by a drug already being tested to treat other cancers, U.S. researchers say.

  • Prostate Cancer Drug Delays Bone Cancer Spread

    A new drug administered to prostate cancer patients has been shown to delay the spread of cancer to the bones, according to a new study published in the Lancet.

  • Prostate cancer tied to birth-control pills, but why?

    New research shows high rates of prostate cancer in nations where women rely on oral contraceptives

  • Prostate Cancer May Be Linked to Birth Control Pill in Water Supply

    Countries where the highest numbers of women use oral contraceptives have the highest rates of death from prostate cancer, a new study finds.

  • Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer - New Treatment

    According to a recent report in Cancer Discovery, researchers may have discovered a new treatment for neuroendocrine prostate cancer, the most fatal subtype of prostate cancer that occurs in less than 2% of men. The more common prostate adenocarcinoma can also progress into neuroendocrine prostate cancer, which has a bleak prognosis. Mark Rubin, M.D., Professor of pathology and laboratory ...

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