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Prostate News Archive


  • Aggressive Prostate Cancers May Be Found With Gene Screening

    Scientists measuring active DNA in prostate tumors have identified aggressive forms of the disease that are about three times more likely to kill patients within a few years, a study shows.

  • Prostate Cancer Awareness- Know the Facts

    September is designated prostate cancer awareness month. prostate cancer occurs in the prostate gland which is found just beneath the urinary bladder of men. It is about the size of 2 cashew nuts unshelled and its main purpose is to produce secretions which make up part of the semen produced by men.

  • Bone cell factor can lull prostate tumor cells to sleep

    prostate tumor cells can be lulled to sleep by a factor released by bone cells, according to a study published online this week in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. Disease recurs in up to half of prostate cancer patients after treatment, often as a result of metastases that spread to distant organs.

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