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Prostate News Archive


  • New Tool Helps Physicians Tailor Hormone Therapy For High-risk Prostate Cancer Patients (Science Daily)

    Using one of the largest databases of prostate cancer outcomes in the United States, Fox Chase Cancer Center researchers have developed a prediction tool that uses a patient's clinical information to estimate the benefit of adding androgen deprivation therapy of various durations to radiation therapy.

  • Apple Valley Medical Center to Hold Prostate Cancer Community Education Evening (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)

    ----Apple Valley Medical Center: What: A free prostate cancer community education evening 1. Attendees will be able to "test drive" the da Vinci S Surgical System, robotic technology for minimally invasive surgery.

  • bioMérieux To Develop New Highly-Specific, Non-Invasive Test For Prostate Cancer, Reducing Unnecessary Biopsies (Medical News Today)

    prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the United States and the 4th most common worldwide. The combination of a test for a new prostate cancer biomarker, Annexin 3, with the standard screening methods could potentially reduce the number of biopsies conducted by up to 75%, when compared with current screening methods alone.

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