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Index of Prostate Articles

A Brief Overview Of Prostate Prevention
Twenty years ago, a prostate problem usually led to cancer, and ultimately, death. Medical advances and further understanding of the human body has led to an increased awareness of how the prostate becomes damaged and more importantly, new ways of...

Diagnosis of prostate cancer
The diagnosis of prostate cancer can be made on clinical suspicion of the disease, following screening, or as an incidental finding during transurethral resection for suspected benign disease (TURP). Clinically suspected prostate cancer...

Preventing prostate enlargement
Question : I HEARD from a friend that the herb Saw Palmetto is very beneficial to those with prostate enlargement or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Tell me more about this condition and how does pumpkin seed help? Can I take a zinc supplement...

What's the Treatment's of prostate cancer?
Surgical castration by orchidectomy Surgical castration is the simplest and cheapest way to treat metastatic prostate cancer. The obvious disadvantage is the psychological effect of the loss of the testicles. LHRH-analogues ...

Prostate Health - Learn The Basics.
It can be frustrating and confusing to find out what really works for a man's prostate health. In this article I've summarized some of the major guidelines and recommendations you should know. And if you've found something that has really worked...

The Prostate, What YOU Don't Know Could Kill You
"Prostate cancer is a major killer of men! How is it then that in a poll 96% of men knew nothing at all about the prostate gland. Prostate Cancer is the most common diagnosed cancer in the USA and UK. Next to lung cancer it is the second leading...

Prostate Cancer - Are Men Their Own Worst Enemy?
The commonest form of cancer in the United States today is skin cancer but, to many people's surprise, prostate cancer is the second most frequently seen type of cancer and results in some 30,000 deaths each year. So just what is prostate cancer? ...

Preventing Prostate Cancer
(NC)-It is increasingly recognized that diet plays a role in prostate cancer, a disease that affects one in eight men. For optimal health, it's important to exercise regularly and eat according to Canada's Food Guide, which recommends...

Looking For Supplements For Prostate Health? - Which Supplements Can Help?
Many people take supplements for prostate health, and some of the supplements available can provide many benefits in terms of prostate health and maintenance. There are a number of vitamin types and nutrients that are important in the healthy...

Use Of Altenative Medicine In Prostate Cancer
According to a conclusion of a group of the University of California-San Francisco, about one third of prostate cancer sufferers in the United States receive some type of alternative or complementary medicine therapies. People using alternative...

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