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Prostate News Archive


  • Therapy May Help Cut Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

    TUESDAY, Jan. 11 (HealthDay News) -- Nearly two-thirds of men who have prostate cancer surgery experience urinary incontinence afterward, but new research suggests that behavioral therapy can help lessen bladder control problems for a significant number of them.

  • Acceptable consequences of screening for prostate cancer

    ( University of Gothenburg ) The negative aspects of screening for prostate cancer may be acceptable, since screening halves mortality from the disease. This is the conclusion of a thesis presented at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

  • Strategy for Incontinence From Prostate Cancer Surgery

    Pelvic-floor-muscle exercises along with other bladder control strategies, such as keeping a diary and monitoring your daily fluid intake, can help halve weekly incontinence episodes among men with prostate cancer who underwent surgery to remove their prostate gland (radical prostatectomy), a study shows.

  • Exercise Cuts Prostate Cancer Death Risk

    Men diagnosed with prostate cancer may be able to reduce their risk of death not just from prostate cancer but from any cause by exercising vigorously for at least three hours per week, new research indicates.

  • Benefit Of Brachytherapy In Patients With Early-Stage Prostate Cancer Is Still Unclear

    Search update by IQWiG confirms results of final report from 2007 It remains an unresolved issue as to whether interstitial brachytherapy has advantages compared to other therapy options in men with localized prostate cancer, nor do newer studies provide proof in this respect. This is the result of a report published by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) on 11 ...

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