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Prostate News Archive


  • More proof prostate tests overdiagnose cancer (MSNBC)

    As many as two of every five men whose prostate cancer was caught through a PSA screening test have tumors too slow-growing to ever be a threat, says a new study.

  • Folic Acid Supplements Increase Men?s Risk of Prostate Cancer (Bloomberg)

    March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Men who take a daily folic acid supplement have an increased risk of developing prostate cancer, renewing skepticism about the value of supplements in the fight against cancer, a University of Southern California study found.

  • "Male Lumpectomy" for Prostate Cancer (WebMD)

    Men with prostate cancer have a new choice: "male lumpectomy." It's cryotherapy that freezes tumors but leaves the rest of the prostate intact.

  • Folic Acid Supplements Raise Prostate Cancer Risk (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)

    TUESDAY, March 10 (HealthDay News) -- A 10-year study has found that men who took folic acid supplements faced more than twice the risk of prostate cancer as those who didn't take the supplements.

  • Prostate Cancer Test: Worth the Trauma? (ABC News)

    A common prostate cancer test may lead to unneeded treatment, a new study says.

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