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Prostate News Archive


  • Estrogen Helps Drive Distinct, Aggressive Form of Prostate Cancer (Newswise)

    Using a breakthrough technology, researchers led by a Weill Cornell Medical College scientist have pinpointed the hormone estrogen as a key player in about half of all prostate cancers.

  • Vitamin D doesn't cut prostate cancer risk (Straits Times)

    WASHINGTON - VITAMIN D - the so-called sunshine vitamin - does not appear to cut a man's risk of getting prostate cancer, researchers said on Tuesday.

  • Vitamin D Status Not Associated With Lower Prostate Risk (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)

    TUESDAY, May 27 (HealthDay News) -- Men with a high blood concentration of vitamin D don't have a reduced risk of prostate cancer, National Cancer Institute researchers report.

  • No association found between vitamin D concentration in blood and risk of prostate cancer (PhysOrg)

    High vitamin D concentration in the blood is not associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer, researchers report in an article published online May 27 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

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