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Prostate News Archive


  • PSA test valuable in predicting biopsy need, low-risk prostate cancer, study finds

    The prostate-specific antigen test, commonly known as the PSA test, is valuable in predicting which men should have biopsies and which are likely to be diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer, a new study has found.

  • Understanding the new prostate cancer screening recommendations

    Hopkins Bayview chief of urology also discusses side effects of treatment The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an independent advisory panel, recently recommended that healthy men not be given PSA blood tests to detect prostate cancer. But that won't mean the end of diagnosis and treatment of the disease, the most common cancer and the second most common cause of cancer death in American men.

  • PSA test predicts biopsy need and prostate cancer development

    The prostate-specific antigen test, commonly known as the PSA test, is valuable in predicting which men should have biopsies and which are likely to be diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer, a Mayo Clinic study has found. The findings were released today during a meeting of the North Central Section of the American Urological Association in Rancho Mirage, Calif.

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